Wednesday 25 November 2009


News report 1st May 1920


Epidemic of Influenza. Information has reached
Aberdeen by the steam trawler Active that the
condition of affairs on the lone island of St Kilda
is very serious. One of the inhabitants, acknowledging
receipt of a bundle of newspapers sent from
Aberdeen, writes that most of the inhabitants are
laid up with influenza, and that one died last week
—a girl" nine years of ago. " The 'flu - is very bad
here at present," writes another. The letter is dated
20th April. Mr R. Craig. D.S.C.. The skipper of the
Active, states that of the total.population of 80 on the
island, no fewer than about 60 have been laid aside
with the influenza, and business on the islands practically
at a standstill. There is no doctor on the island, and
Nurse Mackenzie and the minister have more than
enough to do in attending to the wants of the distressed
population. There is plenty of food on the island,
but medicine—Skipper Craig includes whisky
under that term—is badly wanted. The skipper
proposes to return vorv soon to the fishing grounds
in the neighbourhood of St Kilda, arid hopes to
land on the island, medicine and comforts for the
people forwarded to the Aberdeen Fish Market.
He states that all gifts will be received with feelings
of the greatest gratitude by the St Kildeans.

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